Contact Kelli
Career coach for women in STEM & Higher Ed
A STEM career coach can help!
MAKE YOUR OWN PATH as you navigate your career amongst the demands of the higher ed system.
Welcome, fellow STEM PhD in Higher Ed!!
I’m Kelli Hendrickson (she/her). STEM PhD. Career coach. Lake life lover.
I believe that it’s possible to turn disillusionment into a new vision for your STEM career in higher education ~ one that gives you more:
Success, Time, Energy, Meaning.
On your terms.
And I’m here to support you when you’re ready to MAKE YOUR OWN PATH without having to give up everything you’ve accomplished so far.

Have a browse around my site and check out my blog posts for further discussion and resources.
You’ll also find me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter where I talk about STEM, the role and benefits of career coaching, and also the occasional sci-fi/fantasy show mention! Come say hi!
Still have questions after reading about my Career Coaching services for women in STEM?
Want me as a guest on your podcast? I’d love to chat about issues relating to women in STEM, career coaching, and how we can create a new vision for our STEM careers that includes more Success, Time, Energy, and Meaning.
Curious about the rest of my multifaceted portfolio? In addition to being a career coach, you can find more details on my full career portfolio site.